Heading Home Minnesota Funders Collaborative

Heading Home Minnesota Funders Collaborative (HHMFC) has partnered with Research in Action to launch a new funding initiative resulting in three Regional Tables in Greater Minnesota led by people with lived experience of housing instability and homelessness who will identify new public policy and practice solutions for their region and at the state level. Ultimately, this initiative seeks to transform Minnesota’s current housing systems by shifting away from crisis management to proactively preventing evictions, and closing racial and rural disparities in housing.


HHMFC is comprised of the following member organizations: 

  • Regional Expert Network 

  • Minnesota Tribal Collaborative 

  • People Serving People 

  • Greater Twin Cities United Way 

  • Philanthropy

    • Pohlad Foundation 

    • Otto Bremer Trust 

    • Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies 

    • McKnight Foundation

    •  Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

    •  Northwest Minnesota Foundation 

    • Frey Foundation

Project Goals

Research and Evaluation

Research in Action interviewed 25 community housing stakeholders across Minnesota about how current housing systems tools functioned in the first 18 months of COVID-19. One of the findings was that the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing systemic inequities that disproportionately threatened BIPOC and rural renters with low incomes. To view the full report, click here. 

Project Design and Leadership

In phase two, Research in Action is supporting HHMFC in creating a funding initiative that will build three Regional Tables led by people with lived experience in housing instability and homelessness. Research in Action is supporting HHMFC in creating a two-stage grant process for organizations in Greater Minnesota based on questions created by people with lived experience to find the right organizations to support their leadership.

Case Study